Worship with us:

New to the Parish?:

What to Expect:

At 10:30 am each Sunday we gather to celebrate Holy Communion as found in the Book of Common Prayer. A priest will lead the service which includes the hymn singing, the Lord’s Prayer, reading of Bible passages, corporate confession of sin and other prayers, reciting of the Nicene Creed, a sermon on the scriptures appointed that day, and reception of Holy Communion. Feel free to sit with someone if you would like help following the service or to even sit by yourself if you’d like space to observe!  We also have Sunday School before the 10:30am our weekly service; where we dig into the Scriptures. Please know that you are most welcome to any event at Holy Cross.

Children in Church:

Jesus said “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”(Matthew 19:14)  In obedience to what our Lord commanded, we are delighted that the next generation of the church is present among all God’s people.   The noise of children is a joyful sound of a lively church and we rejoice with parents as they seek to be faithful to God by making sure their children are in church. It is a commitment to letting them grow “in wisdom and stature” that we as a church fully support. All children are welcome in the House of the Lord.

“May I Receive Holy Communion?”:

All Christians baptized with water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as Christians are cordially invited to the Lord’s Table. If you are able to receive the Lord’s Supper in your home church, then you are welcome to do the same at ours! If you are not ready or your Church has obligations where you can only receive Communion there, then feel free to abstain - you are not obligated to receive Holy Communion. We do invite all who are not receiving Holy Communion to come down with the people and cross their arms over their chest to receive a blessing if they desire it instead.

“Should I stay for Coffee Hour?”:

We have a time of food and fellowship immediately after our Sunday Holy Communion service in the Parish Hall.  Please join us for an informal time of coffee and treats. We believe that good fellowship is also the work of the church and that we are called to love one another and “bear ye one another’s burdens.” We would love to get to know you! Stay afterward to shake Rev. Wyatt’s hand and get to know the other people of Holy Cross a little bit. We genuinely welcome you into our fellowship.