Join us as we “Lift High the cross” in the Big Bend Region of texas.

Holy Cross is a living congregation of Christ’s one holy apostolic flock. We are a community of ranchers, scholars, families, artists, and tradesmen who “bare ye one another’s burdens” while joyfully thanking God for His sanctification as we live together the sacraments and the church year.

Committed to alpine

As Anglicans, we are passionate about the idea of “parish.” That is: that the church should be the heart of the local community and area, serving and loving the people and the land. The church is “incarnational,” meaning that it exists in a certain time and place. We are deeply rooted and passionate about Alpine: its history, its land, and its people. An artistic town with a heritage of ranching, the West Texas culture and pride is alive and well. The church looks out over the Big Bend Region, a reminder each morning and evening as we pray for the people and mission of our community.

Dedicated to art

Above our altar, is a custom window crafted by stained glass artist Rev. Mark Bleakley. It depicts Christ as “The Good Shepherd” in a way that is specific to our West Texas heritage. Behind Our Lord is Cathedral Mountain and He is surrounded by sheep, a nod to the heritage of sheep ranching in the area. The window reminds us that Our Lord came to save and be worshiped in all the corners of the earth: Alpine included!

The English Tradition

Indicative of the English Tradition is our “rood screen:” coming from the Old English word for cross, it highlights the transition from the nave to the altar. Made out of heavy wooden beams with iron lanterns, ours blends the traditions of the English countryside with the unique style of West Texas.

Within our crest, you’ll find reference to all three of these things. The colors of the crest are taken from the sky, earth, and unique coloring of the Big Bend Region. The shape of the crest is that of the central opening of the rood screen. The lamb is the same one found in our altar window, looking up to Our Lord.

And at the center is the symbol of Jesus Christ and the church’s name: the Cross.

“But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. Galatians 6:14

“Blessed be the tie that binds our hearts In Jesus’ Love”

Community Life:

Daily Morning Prayer & Coffee Fellowship

Altar Guild

Choir & Music

Men’s Fellowship

Children’s Catechism

Ladies Fellowship

Worship the Lord with us