Alpine, Texas
“Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour! It is my privilege to welcome you to Holy Cross Anglican Church in beautiful Alpine, Texas.
We would like to invite you to get to know our parish in three words:
Reverent, Joyful, Hospitable.
We are reverent in worship as we enter the presence of God, who is our loving King and Creator. We are joyful because we have been saved from sin and eternal death by Jesus Christ; we are hospitable for we are eager to share the welcome that we ourselves have received from Christ and His Church.
We welcome you to come and experience parish life with us.”
- Rev. Wyatt Boutwell, Rector -
Worship with us:
9:30AM Sunday School
10:30AM Holy Communion
All Invited to Coffee Hour Following
Every Wednesday:
6:00PM Evening Prayer
6:30PM Bible Study
Daily Morning Prayer:
(Every Monday to Friday) 7:30AM
Coffee Following
As Announced
All ages are welcome at all services, including children and infants. Little ones are not just “the future” of the Church, but are also part of our present as well. If we are to “train up your children in the way that they should go” (Proverbs 22:6), then this means including them as they learn to participate in the service.
“An English Country Parish in Rural West Texas”
Most of the parishioners of Holy Cross live near enough to come by for daily prayers. Our community has the dedication and fellowship seen in small English country churches, but with the rugged and wild beauty of Texas’s Big Bend Region. Join in our common life as Christians though daily prayer, Wednesday Evening Prayer and Meals, Worship on the Lord’s day, Feast Days, and all the goodness of consistent Christian Fellowship.